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Work with Design

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potential-designer-and-architect, designing essential
Designing is not hard, we make it!

It is a fact that everyone is a designer. Essentially a designer does not mean to design something, but it does mean that you are the one who make designer a designer by designing a society after being designed by a designer. It’s always been a topic of fascination that how a designer’s products shall work in society after a certain period of time. In most of the regions designing is taken granted as a means of earning, resulting in the concrete jungles.

Design is not a design, it is the way of living!

Being a designer, you should know and understand some things-

1) Keeping mind ready:
We don’t know when we encounter any problem, so to be ready at any point of time and keeping your mind creative is the foremost part. Keeping mind creative does mean that thinking expressively and resourcefully in every aspect. Being a good critic as said in ‘Designer being critic’ is equally important to keep the mind physically and mentally healthy. We know that the mind controls the body, but what if we dominate the mind and execute the decisions?

2) Ensuring the outcomes:

We should be capable to understand our design well that the designer can guess the outcomes of design after being executed. It does not mean predicting the things randomly, but exploring the design thoroughly and calculating firm outcomes. Knowing the possible outcomes are not easy in any way, it needs ready mind and excellent observations. 

3) Creative stress:

Always being in creative stress gives mind a good exercise to work in crucial moments. Stress is everywhere, but to find a healthy outcome from that stress leads you to the creative stress. Designers will face challenges, so the designer needs to be ready at any point of time, even if it is in dreams. Creative stress is good for health if taken positively.

4) Being jealous of great works:

Controlled jealousy is good for your successful designs. Jealousy develops passion and passion drives through the situation, but understanding the fallbacks of jealousy is also important that it effects on design very badly. Jealousy is a thing that decides your final outcome as a designer. 

5) Narrative and stories

You are the narrator of immense responsibility so making stories are fundamental on first hand to be understood by the user as well. As said by Travis dykes ‘as you grow, stories will become fundamental in your designs. So narration is the important part as designer to understand.

6) Continuously learning:

This process doesn’t score any grades, any direction, but you are the one who is forging that path for others to follow. The learning process is endless unless and until we stop learning and accepting. Society is the supreme professor that grades our design so be considerate. 

7) Be a human:

It is the greatest power we have got, to sustain for a longer period of time at top position is now a necessity. Humanity teaches us lot many things, but can we learn humanity from another organism? This question opens up in the lot may dimensions, but important one is 'even if we learn how it is applicable in a designer's life?'

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