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ARCHITECT: An evolution of 4.5 billion years

It's a  never ending  process of building

Today we study architecture, but when did it start back then? Who was the first architect? What did he design first?  Imhotep, who lived around 2600 BCE and served the Egyptian Pharaoh Djoser, as the first identified architect in history. He designed first Egyptian pyramid complex, the world's first known extensive stone structure, inspired the later more extravagant pyramids. Is it?
The first architect ever known to humankind dates back to 4.5 billion years, the greatest architect of all time. It worked along one principle and evolved over a million years, BALANCE between all the elements and energies. Over the years, it learned to adopt surrounding conditions and maintain balanced relation among all of them. Created spectacular structures which are out of range for human kind. From the Mariana trench to the Everest lies the creations of greatest architect, master of every aspect it carries. THE EARTH (nature).
First human appeared on earth 66 million years ago, while the anatomically modern humans appeared 8000 years ago and started making unbalanced elements from balanced once i.e. concrete, plastic. This interference in extremely balanced process of nature steered us where we are standing now. Even though we have mastered many things, we lags in very important rule of balance, efficiency and sustainability. Architecture gave new dimension to the human life, but on the graph of efficiency vs time period we are way beyond the nature. Each Step taken by early humans impacted the society very much. It took earth 4.5 billion years to evolve, humans made a significant impact on nature in very short period of time. Humans impacted on the environment in several ways, some are overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.
Major part affecting the environment is construction. We have excelled in many construction techniques, but why can’t a human see the drawbacks at the same time? WE are pushing ourselves into the locus of compulsions. Buildings account for around 35% of resources, 40% of energy use, consume 12% of the world’s drinkable water and produce almost 40% of global carbon emissions. It is a fact of realization that we should take some serious steps toward global issue. We have experienced during a world pandemic situation, how nature heals with only small relief from human interaction.

Humans are excellent observers and learners, ability to process information stands out the humans from rest. Humans have developed such a methods that earth took many years to create. Humans are best in creating and worst is destroying. We are in the era, where we require severe actions on the issues of tomorrow. It is the time to observe right things and take actions accordingly. It is the responsibility of every designer/architect to work on efficiency as major concern. The design process should start with the concern of efficiency, sustainability and balance. 
Here is the method that every designer should take in account while designing:

            OBSERVE- Observe that feelings of site

            INDENTIFY- Get to know its feelings

            IMPROVE- Try to improve their condition

            RESOLVE- Solve the unknown

            SUSTAIN- Sustain it through lows and highs 

Architecture is not about building, it’s about your responsibility towards the society, it’s your gratitude towards the earth, it’s your duty towards future. 


Context is very important aspect of any project, retaining the goods and improving the odds is the duty of designer. Context should not be limited to the site only, but how the surrounding would be impacted by the design is also needed to take in account. Todays practices  are limited to, how the context is used to make design batter. The fact is, design can be replicated anywhere, but the context is unique for each location. Contextualization is very important in design. Context is the joining line between design and nature.



After observing the context, identify the problem on site or off site related to human interference and try to address it through design positively. It need not to be the visible problem only, but the psychological problems could also be addressed. Main moto behind making out the problem is to take the design as near to the nature.  


Identified problem needs to be improved other than architectural design. Making environment better is the foremost duty of an architect, as we design for better conditions inside the building, outside environment is also important to make design better to great. 



Take one issue on a larger scale, maybe related to materials or living conditions, and try to improve the conditions on that level. This practice will lead us to a better future where we will be out of compulsive orders.


Identification to execution is ok for one project, but sustaining the process is important to think of a better tomorrow. If we are creating one green building in 1000 buildings the impact of the green building is negligible, so sustaining the process and method is crucial if we think on larger scale. 

Architects are blessed with a natural power to serve a society and nature. Using the powers on the correct path and serve the future with maximum efficiency and consciousness is the duty of an architect. No one can predict the future, but architects can design the future.

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