As a second supreme, Designer needs to understand the psychological abilities of mind and the power of criticism. His/her control over emotions and thoughts that leads a designer to a state where criticism is in control, thoughts are controlled according to the scenario and emotions are output of response rather than instant reaction.
Designing is not only an output of your 5 year undergraduate program or any part-time course, but it evolves right from your birth to the last sleep you took. Designing imparts huge impact on society that even the architect or designer would not think of. Designing is not a profession but shows your attitude, your concern, your thoughts, your state of mind, your power of being designer towards Unconscious Self-centered Society (USS). To be a designer it takes more than just experience.
What if a saint asked to be a designer, what would be the scenario, what would be his state of mind during designing, what would be his attitude towards society, what would be his concerns and most important what would be his priorities during designing other than fundamentals? Saint is said to be a very virtuous, kind, and patient person, aren’t they should also be the qualities of a designer! The designer is said to be the second supreme who shaped society in its all visible forms and helped in a certain way to reach the place where we are standing now.
The designer is working consciously for an unconscious society to bring up some consciousness, by unconsciously gaining every aspect of the surroundings, and internal mind. Taking over the mind is a step towards a society which will work on Mutual Understanding rather than Language as a tool of communication.
Ideally a designer should be an organism who consciously communicates with society by mutual understanding at its max. Being Designer is a state of mind where you carry all the emotions and consciousness without being critic. The designer’s mind works on three principles while he encounters any situation,
First is an emotion, which has a huge impact on the designer. In an ideal situation, one encounter emotions first and followed by thoughts and critics. To understand the importance of emotions one should be able to control the same, and can be able to understand the origin, formation and the impact of emotions.
Second is Consciousness, understanding and awareness of surroundings, even being unconscious is a sign of the true designer's mind, being said that consciousness is awareness of environment, it’s still unknown where it comes from. So to understand the surrounding/society, one should understand the consciousness and subconsciousness.
Third is the Critic, is the most important part as a designer to understand how we criticize everything and make out the conclusions out of something which is the part of nothing. So being a critic it is duty of a designer to train his/her mind to control Emotions and consciousness to get control over critics.
Humans, being on the top of consciousness ladder, are most vulnerable to risk of downfall with no competitors but the humans themselves. As consciousness increases responsibilities being designer also elevates rapidly. The designer's mind is a transitional index between emotions and thoughts, depends on the control over critics. Designer owes nothing from society, but the society owes everything from the designer that he/she have to bring consciousness to society through mutual understanding.
Great thoughts you put forth... Bhanje..